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Barley Flour

Also Known As : av, jau (Hindi), jave-godhi (Kannada), barli, yavam (Malayalam), satu, jav (Marathi), aksata, akshata, dhanyaraja (Sanskrit), barliarisi (Tamil), barlibiyam, dhanuabhedam (Telugu), jao, jav (Urdu)Barley is a cereal grain that was one of the first domesticated grains in Western Asia, and near the river Nile of northeast Africa. Barley flour is prepared from dried and ground barley. It can also be prepared at home by putting hulled or pearled barley though a grain grinder. Sometimes, Barley flour is also produced as a by-product of the pearling and polishing processes.
Technical Name : Hordeum vulgare


Taste Profile

Barley flour has a sweet, nut-like flavor.

Usage Tips

  1. Barley flour can be used to give a nutty flavor to baked goods.It can be eaten as chilla or added to soups and stews.
  2. Barley flour is used to prepare barley breads or even made into desserts.
  3. Uncooked barley flour should be stored in airtight containers.
  4. Look for a sour scent to indicate rancid flour.
  5. The shelf life of flour is based on how long it can sit in this cool, dark environment. It is better to store the sealed pack in a cool place.

Common names and forms

  1. Barley Atta
  2. Pearled Barley Flour
  3. Whole Grain Barley Flour


Barley is a cereal grain that was one of the first domesticated grains in Western Asia, and near the river Nile of northeast Africa. Barley flour is prepared from dried and ground barley. It can also be prepared at home by putting hulled or pearled barley though a grain grinder. Sometimes, Barley flour is also produced as a by-product of the pearling and polishing processes.

Health benefits

  • Barley flour is loaded with a soluble fiber called beta-glucans. These compounds can absorb water and swell up thereby giving a feeling of fullness. This plays a major role in reducing the appetite of an individual and thus promotes weight loss. (1)
  • This flour is made of whole-grain can break down LDL cholesterol and prevent its accumulation in the body due to its fiber content. This helps in maintaining the proportion of HDL (good) cholesterol in the body and reduces the risk of heart diseases. (1) 
  • It acts as a rich source of magnesium. This mineral plays a very vital role in the production of insulin and the body’s response to it. This helps in the management of diabetes. (1)
  • It contains a very important component called betaine, which gets converted to choline in the body. Choline plays an important role in many vital functions of the body like maintenance of the structure of cellular membranes, aiding the transmission of nerve impulses and assisting in the absorption of fat. Choline also has anti-inflammatory effects. (2)
  • It also has potassium as an integral nutrient in its composition. It helps to maintain sodium-potassium balance in the body and maintain blood pressure. (2) 
  • The presence of B-group vitamins like folate, thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin helps in carrying oxygen through the blood and proper functioning of the immune system.(2)

Selection Guide

Make sure to check for mold or worms inside the packet while buying. Do check the “use-by” date as it indicates the degree of freshness of the flour.


Barley flour is made from barley which contains gluten. Thus people with gluten sensitivity should avoid consuming barley as it may trigger allergic reactions like rashes, inflammation, nausea, and diarrhea. In case of severe allergies, it may also cause life-threatening conditions like anaphylaxis. As barley flour has a lot of fiber, the sudden addition of it in high amounts must not be done as it might not give the body the time to adjust and may cause reactions like stomach bloating. (2)

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