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Corn Masa Flour

Also Known As : Masa nixtamalera, Masa harina, Masa de harina


Usage Tips

  1. Corn masa flour can be used to prepare corn tortillas, pupusas, enchiladas, gorditas, tamales and other Latin American dishes. It can be cooked with water and milk to make a thick beverage called atole, popular in Central American and Mexican cuisine. It can be used to make atole de chocolate, with chocolate and sugar.


Corn Masa Flour is a dough flour that comes from ground nixtamalized corn( process for the preparation of corn in which it is soaked and cooked in an alkaline solution, washed and then hulled).This flour is reconstituted in water to make dough before used in cooking. The masa is dehydrated and powdered to make corn masa flour. It can be used similar to all purpose flour and can be used to make pie dough, or bread flour to make bread dough. It can be used to make tortillas, corn chips or enchiladas.

Health benefits

  • Corn masa flour is gluten-free and can be consumed by people with celiac disease without causing abdominal issues; cramping, diarrhea or constipation.(1)
  • As it is whole-grain, it is good source of fiber that works to reduce constipation.(1)
  • It helps the stomach feel fuller for long and promotes weight loss. -It is a good source of iron that promotes the formation of white blood cells in the body.(1)
  • It is a good source of calcium that helps to keep the bone strong.(1)

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